He was real shy and didn't say too much, but loved to kiss and was real good at it. I told him earlier that I did not have condoms, but had lube. I spent some time on his hole with my finger and mouth, and what do you know. The TOP wanted my cock. Luckily I had taken some prescription helper, and was able to stay good and hard, but still needed the help of a cock ring.
His cock stayed good and hard the whole time. I wish I would have stopped, and let him fuck me... but he was enjoying me I got caught up in the moment. He was nice and stayed around till I came, but as is typical, once he got off, he was not as interested.
I know how things could be out where he is, and being in the closet must suck. I sent him an e-mail that said the following.
I just wanted to send an e-mail to reach out to you. For nothing more than support, if you need it. I know how tough it is to live where you do, and be "discrete", or what ever we want to label it. Although I now live in Eastern XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Married and with children, I have struggled, and still struggle with the same things you do. I grew up not far from you, went to school in XXXXXXXXXXXX, and went out in the world.
You may have it all figured out, and if you do, that is great, but if you want to reach out to someone with no judgement let me know. No expectations of meeting again, just conversation. If you feel comfortable.
Not replying is an okay response, that just tells me you are fine.
Let me know.
I hope I didn't go to far. I just thought he was a real nice guy and that he may need someone to correspond with. He may think I'm a creepy old man, but whatever is the case, I guess I think I did the right thing.
Somrtimes just putting it out there helps.