Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I know it is not often people quote the Bible in the blogs I follow, but this was the text that the pastor spoke about on Sunday.  It made me feel good.  We all need comfort.  We find it in a lot of different places. 

I can find it sometimes in food.  I know that I need to eat less of it, but I'm finding comfort in it these days.  I find comfort in the things that are familiar with me, sometimes that is in "sinful" activities, but I do find comfort in being alone with myself.  I also find comfort in lying in bed with my wife, just being with her.  Last night, my daughter said she loved that we were eating dinner as a family.  I know that she found comfort in that.

Random Family having dinner together.

I need to find more comfort in the fact that God is a loving God, and give us comfort.  He comforts us whether we are gay or straight or bi.  Even if we are sinners....

Isaiah 40
Comfort for God’s People
1 Comfort, comfort my people,
says your God.
2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and proclaim to her
that her hard service has been completed,
that her sin has been paid for,
that she has received from the LORD’s hand
double for all her sins.


1 comment:

  1. Not Alone,

    I am not a Christian. In fact, depending upon your definition, I am an atheist.

    However, the original understanding of what "sin" is, and what sinners are, is something that seems like common sense. We all are sinners. In other words, we all are imperfect in so many ways.

    If there is a god, and he/she/it only lets nonsinners have a blissful afterlife, then we all are in a lot of trouble.
