PS. Not my high school. |
I was on the high school yearbook staff. I did alot of photography. That was in the day of 35 mm film and processing black and white film in the dark room. I had an assignment to take pictures of the FFA putting up playground equipment. I went and took pictures of these upperclassmen working. Some even took off their shirts. I don't think I acted excited, but I know I was. I snapped some pictures. Later on it was time to develop and look at what I had shot.

I had several pictures that were just right. For me anyway. Shirtless guys, sexy, and working hard. I blew some of them up, but of course had to be careful to not keep any of those in plain sight. I think that dark room session alone, was a very erotic one, if you get my drift. One of the pictures made the layout, and I still remember it to this day.

I have a bumper sticker that says: "Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are" Once the initial pain is dealt with, it's SOOO much better living free. Believe me.