Maybe it is because hotels make me horny, but the real reason, is we put our mind at ease, and all the other cares of the world went away.

This is why I think going on a mini vacation was really good for my wife and me. We both didn't have an agenda, but we got to spend some quite time alone in a room with no other pressure on us. We were not thinking about the dog barking, the work that needed to be done in the yard, the report I should be writing, the sheets that need cleaned, the floor that needed swept, or if someone was going to come home early and break the silence.
Needless to say we both had a great time this weekend without our daughter and in a 4 star hotel for two nights. Reality had to break today because I had to come back to choir for church, and she back to the horse show.
I hope my daughter got to relax as well. Watching the bull riding was fun also.
Thanks all for your thought and prayers I know they helped.
I will keep on keeping on.
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