Recently I was volunteering for an organization in my town. We have an event that we dress up and "scare" people. Have a haunted "house." The event requires the people participating to stay sitting as we walk around and interact with the people in costume for about an hour. They are usually not in costume.
Well the other night there were about 4 gay couples on this "ride". They had all came together and were dressed pretty nice. (Several in white. I didn't get that. It was a haunted ride and they were in white?) They were displaying affection, in a very nice way. I think that was fine, didn't bother anyone around me that I could see, or hear. After all there were many hetro people on the ride that did the same thing. I thought that was great and refreshing even.

I think what became unnerving for some was that their conversations had to be about sex, and cocks. I was standing staring them down, because that is what my character did.... and they were hot. One of the guy's who I would say was very fem, and was probably the mouthiest, said something about the last cock he had and that it was big and not cut. His partner put his legs up in the air, exposing his ass, implying that I should give it to him. I think it got worse later on in the evening, but I had moved on. I know they had been drinking and were a little loose with the lips, but most of it was uncalled for. There were children on the ride as well, not sitting too close, but they were on the ride.

I actually didn't mind it, (You know I wanted to join in, but we were in a public place, and I knew all of the people volunteering.) but the fact that this is how most people perceive gay men is what keeps
many of us
scared Midwesterners in the closet. If I am out, I don't want to be one of the obnoxious loud gay guys. I want to live my life as I did before, why does it have to be so obvious that I'm gay. I want to sit on the ride, and if I don't hold the hand of the partner I'm with know one would really know. It is not because I'm ashamed, it would be because I'm not all about public display of affection. Especially when there are kids around.
So Yep I'm scared in the closet.
Thanks to
Ray's Cowboys for the pics.